19 Juni 2006

The shape of things to come

To answer a few urgent questions first:

1.) Why is everything on schleudersitz going so slow? Where the fuck is FUNKY BRAINDAMAGE #4?

-> I´m fucking lazy!!! But ya´ll should know that already. And FBD#4 is finished, so what are you waiting for?!? Get it @ funkybraindamage.blogspot.com

2.) What does this beautiful picture at the top of this post mean?

-> That´s what I wanted to explain to you now, you moron.......

Festival-Time is coming! It´s getting warmer and the desire to move your body outside your stuffy rooms should rise, if you´re not already dead.

Me, myself and I decided to try something new this year, the MELT! Festival in Gräfenhainichen! Despite APHEX TWIN and THE STREETS performing there, the spot simply rocks (as you can see on the picture above, which shows the crane - the centre of the MELT!), the ticket price is OK and I´m looking for something fresh, so join me or die!

Another festival, which is coming up soon is the infamous HIPHOP KEMP, which we will terrorize for the third time this year. There´s not much to say about this festival, look at the schleudersitz-archive and you will know what the buzz is about.

I have a lot more on my mind, but comes time.....

So, enjoy the sun, buy your festival tickets and ROCK ON!!! Oh, and there´s a new track on our BECKSTOWN DYNAMITE myspace-Site, so at least check that out!


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